Die Abgründe der Kulturförderung: “No More! White Money”. Georg Kasch about the premiere of the collective performance at Sophiensaele in Berlin. Berliner Morgenpost. November 7, 2024.
Exilspaziergang – Einblicke in russische Leben. Reportage von Arte TV Journal über “Exile Promenade”. June 2023.
Pingpong mit Lenin. Sophie Diesselhorst berichtet über “Exile Promenade” und Performing Exiles Festival am Haus der Berliner Festspiele. Nachtkritik. June 2023.
“Exile Promenade” von Ada Mukhína. Ein Beitrag von Andrea Handels. Rbb Kultur Radio. June 2023.
Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Sprache. Theatermacherin Ada Mukhína und Dramaturg Andrej Mirčev im Gespräch. Die Deutsche Bühne 05/2023.
Mit „tätiger Verzweiflung“ auf den Krieg reagieren. Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Der Theaterpodcast von Susanne Burkhardt und Elena Philipp. Folge 45. Mit Birgit Lengers und Ada Mukhina. March 2022.
Woyzeck in der Diaspora. Katja Kollmann berichtet über Ada Mukhinas Performance “Risk Lab” und “Woyzeck” von der Kupalaucy Theatergruppe auf dem Radar Ost Festival 2021. TAZ magazine. October 2021.
Zwischen allen Fronten. Sophie Diesselhorst berichtet über Ada Mukhinas Lecture-Performance “How To Sell Yourself to the West” und andere Produktionen auf dem Radar Ost Festival 2021. Nachtkritik. October 2021.
Performance: “Exile Promenade” à Berlin. Reportage at Arte TV Journal about “Exile Promenade”. June 2023.
Fundraising for the Roof: ‘No! More White Money’ at Sophiensaele. Sumugan Sivanesan. Berlin Artlink. Nov. 26, 2024
Russian Theatre in Exile. On diasporic intimacy, guilt of compassion and anti-war protest. Yana Meerzon writes about Exile Promenade in the context of theatre by Russian theatre-makers in exile. EASTAP journal (European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance). 7th issue, June, 2024.
Unmapping Theater: German Theater and its attitude towards the ‘East’. Edona Kryeziu writes about Ada Mukhina’s lecture-performance How to Sell Yourself to the West in the context of the Radar Ost Festival at the Deutsches Theater Berlin. SEEstage. February 2022.
“Caries of Capitalism” at the Golden Mask, Russian performing arts festival and National theatre award. March 2020.
Interview with Ada Mukhina about Theatre Project Vmeste. Written by Maddy Costa for Inquiry into the civic role of arts organisations initiated by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. May 2018.
“Ада Мухина о привилегиях и театре с колоннами” (eng. Ada Mukhina about privileges and theatre with the columns). Podcast “Protiv teatra” (Against theatre) hosted by Ivan Demidkin. 10 issue. September, 2020.
Интервью с Адой Мухиной, Ольгой Таракановой и Дарьей Юрийчук (eng. Interview with Ada Mukhina, Olga Tarakanova, Daria Iuriichuk). Online platform Maskbook of the Russian National Theatre Festival Golden Mask. March 2020.
Спектакль Locker Room Talk в ЦИМ. Гендерные проблемы во всей театральной красе (eng. Locker Room Talk at the Meyerhold theatre centre. Gender issues in their best). Written by Maria Krasheninnikova-Khayt. Online platform Teatr-To-Go. November 2019.
“Кариес капитализма”: что в кошельке у деятеля искусств? (eng. Cavity of Capitalism: how much is in the artist’s wallet?). Written by Tatyana Arefeyva. Online platform Vash Dosug. October 2019.
Новости культуры: Премьера спектакля “Кариес капитализма” (eng. Cultural News: Premiere of “Caries of Capitalism”). Russian TV-channel Kultura. September 2019.
Что такое быть мужчиной: Locker Room Talk в ЦИМе (eng. What does it mean to be a man: Locker Room Talk at the Meyerhold theatre centre). Online platform of the journal Teatr. July 2019.
Современный экспериментальный театр: интревью с Адой Мухиной (eng. Contemporary experimental theatre: Interview with Ada Mukhina). Online platform Russian Events London. October 2018.
Внимание! Подростки в театре (eng. Attention! Teens in the theatre). Written by Alexandra Dunaeva. St. Petersburg Theatre Journal. April 2015.